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Proposed Mexican Labour Law Reform Opposed; Action Needed

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28 March, 2011

From: International Metalworkers’ Federation

The 50,000 workers, students and human and labour rights activists who took part in the February Global Days of Action are gearing up for another round of mass mobilizations to fight proposed labour legislation that further strips Mexican workers of the most basic internationally recognized labour rights.

News of the proposed regressive reforms comes just weeks after unions from more than 40 countries participated in an active week of massive rallies, marches and high-level government meetings to shine a light on the Mexican government's failure to uphold international commitments to respect basic labour rights and worker protections.

The proposed legislation which greatly undermines freedom of association, job security, and work conditions, fails to include any of the many changes to Mexican labour legislation that have been repeatedly called for by the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations and more recently, on 23 March, the 359th Report of the ILO Committee on Freedom of Association, which contains the International Metalworkers’ Federation’s (IMF) Case No. 2694 that has the Committee’s conclusions and instructions to the Mexican government, pages 197-243.

In Mexico, preparations at the national level are underway. Public events planned in Mexico include:
• A rally that was held on March 24 at 1pm;
• A forum on March 30 to debate regressive nature of reform and strategies for resistance and change;
• Educational material development and strategic meetings are being held throughout the week.

To join the campaign, the IMF is urging affiliates and others to send letters to their local Mexican embassy or consulate or government representative, especially those individuals who took meetings with union groups during the February Global Days of Action. See IMF's letter here to serve as model.