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Programme of action: “the stronger the union, the safer the mine!”

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13 November, 2009


Miners’ national federations will review their own structures and develop national, company, area and pit safety committees.

As safety and health is not an issue that divides us, these committees should seek to work together at all levels.

Such “union safety organization” can work to empower and revive the existing safety structures, including Workmens’ Inspectors, Pit Safety Committees and company safety committees, as appropriate, in the coal and non-coal mines.

They can also work to mobilize support amongst miners and the masses for ratification of the convention through education, pit meetings, colony meetings (including meetings aimed at the families of miners), posters, stickers, handbills, wall painting, etc.

A joint national campaign

At national level, the federations could come together to agree for joint movement in mining industry to pressurize the Government of India to ratify C. 176

The federations could hold joint company level conventions to popularize the demand for ratification of C 176.

A joint delegation of the five federations should visit the Minister of labour to demand ratification of C 176.

The federations should demand the convening of the next \national Conference on Safety in Mines, to discuss the issue of ratification of C 176.

Signatures of 15 lakh mine workers and their families should be collected on a petition to demand ratification of C 176.

The federations can also hold a demonstration before Parliament to submit the petition and meet the Lok Sabha speaker.


The Federation shall seek assistance and help from National and Global trade unions and also from the ILO to organize campaign for the ratification of the ILO Convention 176.