14 September, 2005The ICEM has published the ICEM HIV/AIDS Training Manual for Collective Bargaining and a Guide on HIV/AIDS Resources and Funding. Both publications are available in English, French and Spanish.
The ICEM has published the ICEM HIV/AIDS Training Manual for Collective Bargaining and a Guide on HIV/AIDS Resources and Funding. Both publications are available in English, French and Spanish. They can be accessed from the front page of the HIV/AIDS section of the ICEM website.
In the framework of the LO/FTF-sponsored HIV/AIDS project for the mining sector in Ethiopia, two policies were developed in workshops with participants from the National Industrial Federation of Energy, Chemical and Mine Trade Unions (NIFECM). These are an HIV/AIDS Policy for a union and an HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy. Affiliates are urged to use these policies as examples to formulate their own HIV/AIDS policy and to negotiate HIV/AIDS workplace policies with employers. These are generic versions in which only the names of the union, country and company have to be filled in.
Also included are power point presentations on Basic Facts about HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS and the Workplace, on Negotiating on HIV/AIDS and on Elements of an HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy. You can adapt these PPPs and use them in your educational activities.
A large number of documents is available. We can only give a small selection of what we consider the most relevant. We refer you to the links of the organisation on this website. Most of their publications are not included here.
The Global Union AIDS Programme initiated a survey on union action with case studies, which was published by UNAIDS in September 2006 www.unaids.org. On this website you also find HIV/AIDS statistics on your country and contact points.
The ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work can be downloaded here, but for workshops and seminars the printed pocket version is more useful. You can get it at ILO offices in your country. This leaflet, produced by the ILO Office in New Delhi, can serve as a basis for your own leaflet for mass distribution.
In April 2011, the ILO Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV) published toolkits for trade unions on HIV and AIDS. The six toolkits deal with 1. Core Information on HIV and AIDS, 2. Respect for Rights, 3. Workplace Action on HIV and AIDS, 4. Trade Union Education and Training on HIV and AIDS, 5. Mobilizing Resources for Trade Union Action and 6. Project Development and Proposal Writing. They are accompanied by a Guide to the Toolkit which includes learning activities, case studies and references. The seven documents can be accessed here.
The World Bank has produced a generic operations manual (GOM) on its multi-sector HIV/AIDS Program in Africa “Turning bureaucrats into warriors”, which devotes a chapter to the importance of civil society organisations. The World Bank sees the strength of trade unions in the size of their membership and that they usually have paid staff and some financial management capacity. According to the GOM “They represent a greatly underused and promising channel to reach thousands of employees and their families in all sectors and levels of employment”.
The International Finance Corporation, the private sector arm of the World Bank Group has produced an HIV/AIDS Guide for the Mining Sector. It provides practical advice and management guidance that will help stakeholders implement intervention strategies. The full document is a 10 MB pdf file but the sections and appendixes can be downloaded separately. Section Two Management Strategies and Section Three Workplace HIV/AIDS Programme are of particular interest.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria publishes an annual report, which gives information on the approved grants and includes some country profiles. It is useful to subscribe to the Global Fund Observer, a free monitoring service at www.aidspan.org.