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30 November, 2009

Since late 1997, dating from the merger between BP and Mobil the ICEM affiliated trade union in Greece, the Pan Hellenic Federation of Employees in Petroleum Products, refineries and Chemical Industry has faced a series of challenges from the company regarding increased outsourcing.
Over the last ten years the outsourcing and transferring of the Accounting and Technical departments has taken place with numerous changes in the contracted company. In the initial instances the social plans offered to the workers were identical to those applied by BP Greece SA Oil Trading and Mobil Oil Hellas.
The latest conflict concerning the outsourcing of the Accounting and Technical departments and the intention to terminate the contract by BP Hellas is however different. This time it is clear that BP Hellas intends to end the contracts and new people will be employed on inferior terms and conditions of employment to circumvent the original conditions and to deny the workers their rights. Obviously this is completely unacceptable to our Greek affiliate.
The union has the full support of our sister organization, EMCEF at European level in their claim that the proposed changes would be contrary to various European directives that give protection to the workers in question. EMCEF has already raised the issue with the relevant European Union structures.
ICEM is also fully behind our affiliate’s claim and add our voice to their demand that there must be complete application of the directives to ensure that any structural changes in the business that impact on labour relation continue to benefit from the protection given by European Social Law.
BP would be clearly violating both legal and ethical obligations, should it continue with its present proposals. It is essential that the company changes track and safeguards the legitimate rights of the relevant employees.