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Norske Skog Workers Protest Closure of Norwegian Paper Mill

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10 September, 2005

The Global Employee Forum of Norwegian pulp and paper producer Norske Skog has issued a strong statement in support of ICEM affiliate Fellesforbundet. The union is seeking to keep open a 380-worker book and newsprint mill in Skien, Norway, called Norske Skog Union. But the company is intent on closing in order to reduce capacity even though buyers have lined up to acquire the mill. The firm’s Global Employee Forum has charged management that it has not “prioritized and not taken advantage of the book market’s shortage of book paper.” Norske Skog has said “no to inquiries from customers in this market” and the employees’ forum calls on the company to exhibit the necessary social responsibility to “see that production at Norske Skog Union is maintained, at least with new owners.”