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Nigerian Unions Seek Controls on Casual Labour Use

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28 July, 2005

ICEM Nigerian affiliate PENGASSAN is adamant about improving laws and regulations concerning the use of casual workers. At a four-day workshop in mid-June in Owerri, Imo State, leaders of the white-collar petroleum union issued a communiqué aimed at both the Nigerian Department of Petroleum Resources and contractors: PENGASSAN members “frown at the increasing level of casualisation and contract staffing in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry because of its dehumanizing and exploitative nature but cautions that the proposed Recruiters License should be given to consultants who will respect Labour Laws.”

PENGASSAN also stated such licenses “be renewed annually to check abuse while the Association should be made to certify that the vacancies to be filled are temporary in nature. Also, the workshop reaffirms the stand of the Association on unionizing contract workers and urges Companies that are yet to enter into Collective Agreements with this category of workers do so immediately.”

The union is also seeking an amendment to the Petroleum Act of 1969 in that private enterprises awarded licenses to build new refineries are given two-to-three years maximum to construct such refineries, or risk losing permits and licenses. PENGASSAN insists that at least 40% of all crude oil drilled in Nigeria be refined in the country in order to create jobs for Nigerians.