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Murders, Union Rights Discussed at Observatory of Spanish Firms in Bogotá Meeting

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14 June, 2010

From 1-3 June, the second meeting of unions organizing in Spanish multinationals was held in Bogotá. It was attended by 25 trade unions from across Latin America. The meeting was organized by ISCOD, the Spanish Trade Union Development Institute that is connected to one of Spain’s national labour centres, the UGT, as well as ICEM and Union Network International (UNI).

The main objective of the meeting was to monitor the activities and to provide for measures to assure trade union rights are adhered to in Spanish multinationals. The activities must be geared to strengthening union organization, promoting unity processes, and reinforcing trade union alliances as well as campaigns for equality.

Representatives were present from the private oil and gas workers’ federation of Argentina, CNQ Brazil, Sintraelecol of Colombia, and UGT delegates from Endesa, Gas Natural-Fenosa, and Repsol in Spain.

One of the aims of holding the meeting in Colombia was to address the issue of murders of trade unionists. Sub-contracting in Colombia as it contributes to union busting is a further concern. The recent passing of the Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and the European Union was one further topic of discussion. The meeting demanded assurances for respecting trade unions, citizens and consumers.

ICEM Latin American/Caribbean Region Vice Presdient Sergio Novais 

Sergio Novais, ICEM Vice-President for the Latin American/Caribbean Region, said, “At this second meeting, we insist that multinationals have the same conduct in Latin America as they do at home. In the specific case of Colombia, there is no guarantee that trade union leaders can perform their duties with impunity. ICEM has seven affiliates in Colombia, and leaders of all of them have to carry out their activities with bodyguards. We have been denouncing this outrage for many years.”

The participants were concerned about the impacts of the crisis in Spain and the possible effects on Spanish multinationals and their employees in Latin America. A more profound exchange of experience was seen to be one way to avoid abuses. This project is on-going through the auspices of ISCOD and ICEM’s Spanish affiliate, the FIA-UGT, who are thanked and congratulated for their support.