18 April, 2012
The global tyre industry is driven by four major multinationals – Bridgestone of Japan, Michelin of France, Goodyear of the US, and German-based Continental A.G. The ICEM has strategically targeted these leaders and as a result, Workers’ Networks have been formed within Bridgestone and Goodyear.
Now Michelin is on ICEM’s radar screen. It employs 115,000 workers and has 69 production facilities in 18 countries. ICEM French affiliates, along with the Michelin European Works Council (EWC), have traditionally played active and supportive roles during times of labour conflict at factories throughout the world.
The latest examples include in Colombia, Thailand, and most recently, in Romania. The Secretary of the EWC, Cyrille Poughon, a member of French affiliate FCE-CFDT coordinates relations with all unions organizing Michelin employees.
ICEM's Özkan, FCE-CFDT's Poughon, EMCEF's Lefevbre
In the latest meeting of the Michelin EWC, attended by 32 workers’ representatives from 14 countries – held 27-30 March in Alessandria, Italy – the ICEM participated together with sister organization, the European Mine, Chemical, Energy Federation (EMCEF). The ICEM was invited as a keynote presenter, and participants discussed tyre production strategies, cost-cutting programmes, and current and prospects for the Michelin Group in Europe for 2012.
During the final session of the meeting, ICEM’s Kemal Özkan presented the policies and practices of the ICEM, as well as the unification process of new Global Union Federation, IndustriALL.
Özkan also gave an overview about global tyre industry, including overviews of the other three companies, as well as emerging Asian companies and the difficulties and challenges in labour relations in Thailand, South Africa and the US. In addition, Özkan gave reports on active solidarity and support extended by the EWC of Michelin over the past several years.
The ICEM presentation concluded with the functions of Workers’ Networks in the global tyre and rubber industry, and a series of case studies involving the different companies in select countries and regions.
“This EWC meeting proved very promising for extending union solidarity from European partners to Michelin workers throughout the world, stated Özkan.