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L’Oreal European Unions Discuss Proceeding to Possible Global Framework Agreement with Company

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20 October, 2008

Stemming out of a European Commission-funded project, European trade unions representing workers of French cosmetics producer L’Oreal conducted a second seminar in Brussels on 1-3 October on social conditions of the company. On the second day, following a general presentation on Global Framework Agreements by ICEM’s Chemicals and Rubber Officer Kemal Özkan, participants discussed a draft agreement, which had been circulated among them, of a possible global agreement with L’Oreal.

French FCE-CFDT Leader Marc Ferrand brought forward the multi-unions’ global agreement with French electricity producer EDF. Serious discussion then ensued on bringing the draft to senior L’Oreal management.

ICEM French affiliate FCE-CFDT and Belgian affiliate CSC Energy and Chemical Workers’ Union developed the early October project, aimed at getting the attention of L’Oreal’s trade union representatives from its European Works Council (EWC). Funded by the European Commission, the project also includes ICEM affiliates from Italy (FEMCA-CISL), Poland (Solidarnosc), and Spain (FIA-UGT).

The objective of the project is to enhance the expertise of trade union representatives over industrial and organisational changes, compensation policies, and new European rules regarding cosmetics. Based on the assessments made during the discussions, the main aim of the project is to re-energise the EWC and to open a dialogue with the company on social responsibility on the global level.

Also included in the project in the early October discussions were IGBCE of Germany, la Centrale Générale (FGTB/ABBV) of Belgium, CC.OO of Spain, FILCEM-CGIL of Italy, and CGT and CGT-FO, both of France.

The first seminar inside the project occurred in Paris from 17-18 April 2008. Then, 50 delegates from five European countries took part.