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Letter of Condemnation of Rio Tinto Lock Out

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4 February, 2010

Tom Albanese


Rio Tinto plc
2 Eastbourne Terrace
W2 6LG
United Kingdom

Fax: +44 (0)20 7781 1800

[email protected]

Dear Mr. Albanese:

We are writing to condemn Rio Tinto for the vicious attack on members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) at your mine in Boron, California in the United States. The lockout by Rio Tinto is clearly aimed at destroying the union and the community that has sustained the mine for over 90 years.

Our union still remembers the successful ICEM campaign against Rio Tinto in 2000 that stopped your company’s effort to destroy trade unions in Australia, U.S. and elsewhere. The damage to Rio Tinto’s reputation still lingers, and it hard for any trade union to believe your claims about practicing sustainable development when you continue to attack trade unions and communities.

Rio Tinto’s insistence on having the right to dismiss some workers for any reason; award jobs at will to outside contractors; dismiss miners in dangerous occupations for refusing to work overtime; and discriminate against union supporters and older workers are in violation of the fundamental principles of the International Labor Organization.
Norway's Government Pension Fund divested $850 million (USD) of Rio Tinto shares in 2008 due to your company’s unethical practices which further damaged your company’s reputation. It is apparent that Rio Tinto cares little for its standing among the investment community or the public.

We fully support the ILWU and the campaign being launched by the ICEM against your company. We demand that you end this unjust lockout immediately and return to the bargaining table.


Name of Union Officer ____________

Name of Union __________________