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Latin American Rubber Workers Hold Conference

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11 December, 2006

ICEM affiliate FUB/FS, Brazilian rubber workers union, invited delegates from several Latin American rubber workers’ unions to the recent conference of FUTINAL (Frente Único de Los Trabajadores en Las Indústrias de Neumáticos y Afines de Latinoamerica) at Praia Grande/Sao Paulo, from 5 to 7 December 2007.

Roughly 100 delegates, mostly from ICEM affiliates, including from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and the USA held discussions, among other things on the need to set up more trade union networks for multinational companies. The USW explained the situation surrounding the Goodyear strike in the US and Michael Wolters, ICEM Rubber Industry Officer, reported on the last developments in the rubber sector as well as on the main strategies by the major global tire companies.

Unions organising Continental AG plants in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and USA, used the time to coordinate their ideas and activities for the coming International Action Day for all Continental tyre unions from the western hemisphere (13 December 2006)

At the end of the conference, an action plan was adopted for future work.

Click here for the ICEM's Presentation at the conference