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Labour Leaders Attend Canadian Nuclear Association’s Annual Event

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10 March, 2008

The ICEM joined trade union leaders from Canada, the UK, the US, and Ukraine at the Canadian Nuclear Association’s annual meetings in Ottawa, Canada, from 27-29 February.

A strong trade union contingent at the nuclear association’s annual seminar brought representatives from local branches of the United Steelworkers (USW) and Communications, Energy, Paperworkers (CEP) of Canada, together with national labour leaders from the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) of Ontario, Unite of the UK, and the Nuclear Power and Industry Workers’ of Ukraine (Atomprofspilka).

All are ICEM affiliates. ICEM General Secretary Manfred Warda and other international guests attended at the invitation of the PWU. Atomprofspilka President Valeryi Matov attended, as did UWUA President D. Michael Langford from the US. Representing Unite was Bill Tynan, who heads up Trade Unions for Safe Nuclear Energy in the UK.

Among speakers at this year’s event were Canadian astronaut Dr. Marc Garneau, environmentalist Steward Brand, and Province of New Brunswick Energy Minister Jack Kier.

 Manfred Warda, left, with protesting CEP members at Petro-Canada in Ottawa

The ICEM’s Warda utilised the visit to Canada’s capital city to also participate in CEP’s 29 February National Day of Action. He helped to handbill PetroCanada retail petrol outlets in Ottawa. Members of CEP Local 175 have been locked out by the company since 17 November 2007 at a refinery in Montréal. The union is urging Canadians not to buy petrol or other products from the Alberta, Canada-based company.