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Israel’s Withholding of Palestinian Funds Has Incited Violence, GUPMCWP Leader Says

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12 February, 2007

Although the ICEM is encouraged by last week’s agreement between partisan Palestinian political parties to lay aside their differences and form a working coalition government, a fundamental reason why violence has erupted in Palestine was spelled out by the leader of ICEM’s Palestinian affiliate, the General Union of Petroleum, Mining, and Chemical Workers’ in Palestine (GUPMCWP).

Mohammed Jadallah said the withholding of legitimate Palestinian funds by Israel worsens the plight of workers. Jadallah said the continuing occupation of Palestinian lands by Israel and the economic siege have sown seeds of discontent for Palestinians. “It is very difficult for people on the outside to understand how difficult daily life is for Palestinian workers,” said the president of the GUPMCWP.

Mohammed Jadallah

He added that a recent two-day seminar by the union in the West Bank city of Ramallah, attended by 60, revealed that the Palestinians hurt most by Israel’s blockade of revenues to his government have been women, children, and the elderly.

Jadallah was speaking after sectarian violence destroyed the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) building on 2 February, an act targeting not only the national centre but also the Voice of Workers’ radio station situated inside the building. GUPMCWP is an affiliate of the PGFTU.

Jadallah concluded by saying that an end to violence inside Palestine will only occur when Israel and Palestine find a lasting peace in which the security of all people is guaranteed.