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2 November, 2009
The ICEM received a report over this past weekend from the Federation of Workers’ Councils and Unions (FWCUI) that a workers’ demonstration in Baghdad was fired upon by armed forces. The demonstration and use of armed force occurred on 6 October near the Green Zone in central Baghdad.
The report the ICEM received from the FWCUI said many of the 2,000 protestors were hit with rubber bullets. The ICEM condemns such military action against workers, and calls it one further example why Iraq must enact legitimate labour law and recognise free and independent trade unions.
Industrial workers had requested and received a permit from the Baghdad military to hold the demonstration, a protest over pay remunerations since 2008, safety benefits, and to settle cases of workers dismissed from jobs for political reasons under the Saddam regime.
The march on 6 October started at Al Tahreer Square, and crossed Al Jumhoria Bridge towards the Green Zone, where armed forces indiscriminately fired upon and beat demonstrators. Four workers were severely beaten and arrested: Thamir Hameed and Muhammad Khangar from a battery manufacturing industry; Muhammad Khamees from an electrical facility; and Munadhil Attia from the leather manufacturing industry.
The FWCUI declared the attack “an unprecedented act of terror that will not be forgiven,” and called upon authorities to fire the soldiers responsible and to try them criminally. A representative of the Ministries’ Council admitted of an unprovoked armed confrontation and said the council stood ready to issue a formal statement of apology.
The ICEM has two affiliated trade unions that are part of the FWCUI, and the Geneva-based Global Union Federation calls on workers’ organizations everywhere to support the FWCUI in their efforts to bring those responsible for this cowardly attack on workers to justice.
The ICEM also supports FWCUI in its efforts for security and just economic entitlements for workers of its federation.