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ICEM's Letter to Skanska AB Over Labour Abuses in Argentina

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11 August, 20073 August 2007

Mr. Stuart E. Graham
President, CEO and Managing Director
Skanska AB
Rasundavagen, 2
169 83 Solna

Mr. Graham:

I write on behalf of the over 400 trade unions in 125 countries that are affiliated to the ICEM, the Global Union Federation (GUF) for the Energy, Oil, Gas, and Mining and other industrial sectors worldwide.

I write on behalf of our trade union affiliate in Argentina, Federación Argentina Sindicol del Petróleo y Gas Privados (FASPyGP), who has informed us of the unfair dismissal of union leader Marcelo Nevil Turchetti, the general secretary of the Austral Basin branch of that union in Santa Cruz Province.

He was fired from his job by Skanska’s Argentine management on 6 June 2007. Following an investigation by the ICEM, we have found that Turchetti was discharged in the performance of his legitimate union duties. We have determined that this is counter to Core Labour Conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and is counter to the principles contained in the framework labour agreement that your company has signed with ICEM’s fellow GUF, the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI).

Senior leadership at FASPyGP has informed us they have filed the necessary appeals under the Argentine labour code, as well as an appeal to the Ministry of Work over this matter. They also inform us they have started a boycott of the company. Skanska as a contracting agent for a number of petroleum and gas facilities in Argentina.

As you know doubt know, Skanska’s business in the South American country is vast, employing 1,000 workers, with work at the facilities of ExxonMobil, Petrobras, Repsol, Royal Dutch Shell and Chevron. FASPyGP has asked ICEM to assist them in this effort, as well as to inform our affiliates worldwide of Skanska’s conduct toward legitimate trade union activities in Argentina.

I write to urgently call on you to intervene. I respectfully request that you intervene to reinstate Mr. Turchetti to his rightful position, and that he be made whole for lost earnings and benefits. I also urge you to inform your subsidiary in Argentina of the respect for trade union rights inherent in your company. I am confident that by you taking these actions, the legal matter that is pending on behalf of Mr. Turchetti can be dropped, saving both sides time and expense.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.


Manfred Warda
General Secretary

CC Alberto Roberti, Secretary General, FASPyGP
Anita Normark, Gneral Secretary, BWI