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ICEM World Conference for the Rubber Industry

14 May, 2009

Nashville, Tennessee, USA
May 12-13, 2009

A g e n d a


Monday, May 11, 2009

Arrival of participants

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


09:30 Opening of the Conference:
Stan Johnson, International Secretary-Treasurer/Chairman of the Rubber&Plastics Conference of USW

General Report on ICEM Activities
Manfred Warda, ICEM General Secretary

10:30 Presentation: “Global Industry Trends and Challenges”
Kemal Özkan, ICEM Chemical and Rubber Industries Officer (click for presentation)

11:00 Coffee-break

11:30 First panel discussion: “ Effects Of Global Crisis on the Industry and Trade Union Challenges”
Peter Bakvis, ITUC/Global Unions (click for presentation)
Fabio Lins, CNQ-CUT, Brasil
Jacques Caltot, FCE-CFDT, France
Alexander Sitnov, RCWU, Russia
K.K. Siritharan, NUECMRP, Malaysia


13:00 Lunch

14:30 Presentation: “Collective Bargaining, Wage Developments and Employment Relationship”
Kemal Özkan, ICEM Chemical and Rubber Industries Officer (click for presentation)

15:00 Second panel discussion: "Rising Hardships and Distortion in Work Relationships"
Pedro Wasiejko, SUTNA-CTA, Argentina
Edwin Cisco, FAWUL, Liberia
Kevin Johnson, USW, USA (click for presentation)
Holger Michel, IG BCE, Germany

16:00 Coffee-break

16:30 Discussions

Summary of panels

17:00 End of first day work

19:00 Conference dinner

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Presentation: “Global Trade Union Response Against Challenges”
Kemal Özkan, ICEM Chemical and Rubber Industries Officer (click for presentation)

10:00 Third panel discussion: “Global Agreements, Global/Regional Company & Sector Networks and Campaigns”
Cyrille Poughon, FCE-CFDT, France (click for presentation)
Jesus Delgado, FIA-UGT, Spain (click for presentation)
Fabio Lins, CNQ-CUT, Brasil (click for presentation)
Michael Mersmann, IG BCE, Germany
Melinda Newhouse, USW, USA (click for presentation)

11:00 Coffee-break

11:30 Presentation: “Healthy and Safe Work and Environment; Sustainable Development”
Brian Kohler, ICEM Health, Safety and Sustainibilty Officer (click for presentation)

12:00 Fourth panel discussion: “How To Improve Health And Safety for Workers; What Kind of Industrial Policy for Greener Environment by Securing Jobs”
Jim Frederick, USW, USA (click for presentation)
Jacques Caltot, FCE-CFDT, France (click for presentation)

13:00 Lunch

14:30 Presentation: “Action Plan For Upcoming Period” Kemal Özkan, ICEM Chemical and Rubber Industries Officer (click for presentation)

15:00 Fifth panel discussion: “How To Better Coordinate Global Union Solidarity, Support and Cooperation”
Jerry Fernandez, USW, USA (click for presentation)
Phil McNulty, T&G-AMICUS, UK
Pedro Vasiejko, SUTNA, Argentina
Austin Natee, FAWUL, Liberia

16:00 Coffee-break


Summary of panels and presentation of action plan
Manfred Warda, ICEM General Secretary

16:45 Election of Industry Chairman

Closing speech of Chairman

17:00 End of the conference

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Departure of participants