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ICEM World Conference for the Pulp & Paper Industries

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2 December, 2008Piriápolis, Uruguay December 8-10, 2008

North Meets South
Global Unity, Global Strength

December 8:

9h30: Welcome and Introductions, Jouko Ahonen, Chairman, Finland
9h40: Welcome by Walter Silva, President of CUOPYC, Host Union, Uruguay
9h50: Welcome by Sergio Novais, ICEM South American/Caribbean Region, Brazil
10h00: Address Uruguay Minister, Tourism, Dr. Hector Lescano
10h15: Address Uruguay Minister, Industry, |Daniel Martinez
10h50: Address by Uruguay Minister, Labour and Social Secruity, Eduardo Bonomi

11h15: Tea/Coffee Break

11h40: Report from ICEM Secretariat, General Secretary Manfred Warda
12h10: Report on Industry, Importance of ICEM Work Plan, Jouko Ahonen, Chairman
12h40: Addendum/Additions, ICEM Written Secretariat Report, Dick Blin, ICEM Pulp and Paper Officer

13h00: Lunch

14h15: Introduction of Industry Panel, Jouko Ahonen, Chairman
Ikka Hämälä, Chairman and CEO, Metsä-Botnia OY, Finland
Jeronimo Ruiz, Director of Pulp and Paper Industry, São Paulo State, CEO, BRACELPA (Brazil Pulp/Paper Assn.)

16h00: Tea/Coffee Break

16h20: Discussion and Questions of Industry Panel

17h30: Break for the Day

December 9:

Note: A session likely will be interrupted with arrival and address by Uruguay President Tabaré Vásquez

9h30: Introduction of Trade Union Panel, Work Plan Goals, Jouko Ahonen, Chairman
Blas Juan Alari, FOEIPCyQ, Argentina
Jan-Henrik Sandberg, Svenska Pappers, Sweden
Fred Wilson, Communications, Energy, Paperworkers, Canada
Fernando Barassain, Coordinadora, Mercosur, Uruguay
Daniela Sampaio, Instituto Observatório Social, Brazil
Dick Blin, ICEM Pulp and Paper Officer, Geneva

11h15: Tea/Coffee Break

11h40: Discussion and Questions of Trade Union Panel

13h00: Lunch

14h15: Pulp/Paper Collective Bargaining in 2009; Work Plan Development
Jouko Ahonen, Chairman; and Dick Blin, Pulp and Paper Officer

14h50: Discussion of Work Plan and Collective Bargaining Agenda

15h30: Tea/Coffee Break

15h50: Resume Discussion, Finalise Work Plan, Elect Chairman

17h15: Concluding Remarks
ICEM General Secretary Manfred Warda, Chairman Jouko Ahonen

15h40: Close

December 10:

Day Long Social Events Commemorating Signing of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights on December 10, 1948 – Sponsored by Host Union, CUOPYC

Supplemental Agenda Items:

December 6-7: Building and Woodworkers’ International Conference on Forest
Certification Programmes for Latin America (Spanish language only)

December 7, 18h00: ICEM Meeting with Pulp and Paper Trade Unionists from
Mercosur countries regarding Finland SASK possible 3-year Project on
Union Building and Solidarity Activities in Latin American Sector