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ICEM support letter National Labour Federation of Chemistry and Industry

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29 May, 2006

Krasimir Krastev
National Labour Federation of Chemistry and Industry
1, Macedonia Square
Sofia 1000

Brussels, 24 May 2006

Dear Brother Krasimir,

The 20-million-member ICEM has learned of your Trade Union’s participation in a national demonstration in Bulgaria on 30 May 2006.

We understand this protest to be over lack of responsible dialogue on the part of the government of Bulgaria and employers to address the real income needs of Bulgarians. We also understand the protest to be over prohibitions that still prevent workers to engage in strikes, a constitutional right in Bulgaria, and also limitations to all citizens of Bulgaria of health care, energy and transport services, and telecommunications.

On behalf of our 389 Trade Union affiliates in 122 countries, the ICEM fully endorses and supports this protest and national demonstration on 30 May. We also encourage workers across all of Bulgaria to stand with the Trade Unions of your country on this day of meaningful assembly to ensure real increases in wage levels are met, as well as workers’ rights and heightened living standards are realized.

As always, the ICEM stands ready to assist your Trade Union in any way possible to meet its important agenda on behalf of Bulgarian workers.


Fred Higgs
General Secretary