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14 August, 2005ICEM News release No. 24/2004
A Global Framework Agreement was signed today in Moscow by ICEM, the global union federation's affiliate, Russian Oil, Gas and Construction Workers Union (ROGWU), and OAO Lukoil, the major Russian oil and energy firm. It marks the first time a new Russian-headquartered multinational has signed a Global Framework Agreement.
Seated from left: ICEM Gen. Sec. Fred Higgs, Lukoil President Vagit Alekperov and ROGWU President Lev Mironov.
Global Agreements between trade unions and multinationals commit companies to internationally recognised standards and principles on workers' rights, employment and corporate social responsibility regarding workplace health and safety, plus an adherence to sound environmental practices.
The Lukoil Agreement is now the 20-million-member ICEM's eighth Global Framework Agreement signed with a multinational.
"Lukoil is the leading Russian oil company on the international scene," stated ICEM General Secretary Fred Higgs. "I see this Agreement as taking Lukoil's partnership with trade unions in Russia to recognition of trade unions and workers' rights across the world."
ROGWU President Lev Mironov commented, "I see the signing of the Global Agreement between Lukoil, ICEM and our union as an important landmark in both Russian and in international contexts.
"Firstly, it would be excellent if other successful Russian companies followed the Lukoil example and became actively engaged in the practical building of the socially oriented state, which is so often discussed here. Secondly, it is inspiring that the first truly transnational company from Russia emerging as an active player in the global economy declares its commitment to the traditional Russian value of caring for working people."
OAO Lukoil President Vagit Alekperov stated, "Today's document is the first Global Agreement signed by the ICEM with a company from the former Socialist countries and the CIS. I'm very pleased that this company is Lukoil. The fact that one of the most powerful international trade union organisations invites us on a mission of cooperation witnesses that Lukoil fulfills Russian law, but also meets the world standards in labour relations."
The Agreement links a Lukoil pledge on human rights to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and on trade union rights as enshrined in ILO Conventions and the UN's Global Compact.
The Agreement, in which a review will occur annually to assure joint actions are undertaken to further develop sound work practices, states in its preamble: "Lukoil and ICEM affirm their support for fundamental human rights in the communities affected by Lukoil Group activities and in the workplace. Furthermore, the Parties recognise the importance of protecting the health, safety and well being of those at work, and share a sense of joint responsibility for the impact that work and company practices may have on the natural and human environment."
The ICEM now is signatory with three global oil firms to Global Agreements: Norwegian Statoil, Italian Eni and Lukoil. Other Global Agreements in other industrial sectors for ICEM includes Agreements with the Spanish power firm Endesa, Norwegian pulp and paper producer Norske Skog, German rubber products maker Freudenberg & Co., South African minerals group AngloGold, and Swedish forest products group Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA).
The ICEM is a global union federation with 390 affiliated unions in 120 countries. The industrial sectors of ICEM involvement include oil, energy, mining, chemicals and bioscience, rubber, pulp and paper, precious minerals, and glass, ceramics and cement industries.