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ICEM resolution on Sisecam dispute in Bulgaria

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11 June, 2007

Whereas, the dispute between the workers of the National Federation of “Chemistry” – CL – “Podkrepa, ICEM affiliate in Bulgaria, and their employer, Turkey-based Sisecam, continues at two glass plants of the Group in Targovishte, Bulgaria;

Whereas, the workers have been on strike since May 19, 2007, demanding a proper payment for night work, as well as for work performed during overtime, beyond the country’s legal minimum wage;

Whereas, the workers merely demand their rights, as already guaranteed under existing Bulgarian labour law, and a signed collective agreement with their company;

Whereas, the company continues its resistance toward a reasonable collective agreement and engages in blatant anti-union behaviour;

Be it resolved, that the participants at the ICEM regional conference for Central Europe, meeting in Hungary on 5 and 6 June 2007, strongly support the Sisecam workers in their legitimate struggle for justice;

Be it further resolved that the participants vigorously condemn the actions taken by the company to threaten workers, as well as the Bulgarian Government, with withdrawing investment in Bulgaria if existing labour laws are not changed, and if the union does not halt the strike.