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ICEM resolution on Colombia - ICEM Latin America energy meeting in Montevideo, Uruguay

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7 September, 2007

We sharply repudiate the deliberate actions by the Colombian government to go against its function of being the counterweight between the weakest in society and the economic elite, taking advantage of the legal apparatus to attack trade union institutions legitimately elected by the workers, to break collective agreements , to close companies and reopen them with a different legal personality, with the specific aim of breaking the back of these organizations and voiding legally concluded collective agreements, with the explicit objective of lowering wages and salaries, eliminating rights and benefits and making work precarious.

We protest against the systematic violation of ILO conventions by the Uribe government, primarily conventions 87 and 98. We demand an end to this persecution and the murders of trade union leaders in Colombia.

Resolution passed at the ICEM Latin American Energy Meeting, 29 and 30 August 2007, Montevideo, Uruguay.