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18 May, 2009
Following the release of the English and Arabic versions of the “ICEM Guide on Contact and Agency Labour (CAL),” the ICEM has now also released French, Spanish, and Russian versions of this important tool to assist unions around the world with their efforts in this growing area of work.
The French version can be found here.
The Spanish version can be found here.
The Russian version can be found here.
The English and Arabic versions of the manual, as well as the ICEM’s CAL campaign website can be found here.
The ICEM CAL Guide describes numerous problems faced by short-term contract workers, and by workers employed through temporary work agencies, containing a number of best - as well as worst - practices from around the world.
The guide also provides an overview of some of the most recent changes in national and international labour laws and standards. It further deals with combating the phenomenon at company level through collective negotiations. Useful and encouraging examples, together with union strategies and ideas to counter the many abuses in this field, are also provided.