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21 September, 2009
The ICEM conducted regional meetings in both Central Europe and Eastern Europe/Caucuses of late in line with the statutory obligations of the two regions. On 12 September, the Central European meeting was held in Sibenik, Croatia.
Trade union representatives attending came from Bosnia/Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic, and Slovenia. Juraj Blahák, President of OZ Chémia of the Slovak Republic, chaired the meeting, and he was re-elected to continue his role as ICEM Vice President for the region. Blahák was also re-elected chairman of the regional committee structure for Central Europe.
Delegates from eight countries at the Central Europe meeting
Delegates gave country reports, deliberated on regional activities, and compared the economic situations country by country, while discussing the harsh effects of the global economic crisis. ICEM General Secretary Manfred Warda also discussed ICEM’s global activities and reviewed actions taken – including debate on that economic crisis – from the ICEM’s June Executive Committee meetings in Geneva.
In Kiev, Ukraine, on 16 September, trade unionists from Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Russia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan gathered for the day-long Eastern Europe/Caucuses regional meeting. ICEM Vice President and Regional Chairman Ivan Mokhnachuk of the Russian miners’ union Rusugleprof convened the meeting.
Ivan Mokhnachuk (left) chairing the Eastern Europe/Caucuses Region, with interpreter Eugene Kuprin and ICEM’s Manfred Warda
A discussion occurred over affiliated unions’ membership fees to the ICEM, with a recommendation on this issue to be submitted to next month’s ICEM Presidium meeting. Country reports also were heard and the ICEM’s Warda delivered a Secretariat report that contained highlights from the Executive.
A Women’s Committee report was also given by Mavjuda Khalilova of the Fuel, Energy, Chemicals, and Geology Union of Uzbekistan.