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ICEM Protests Crackdown on Ukrainian Trade Unions

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20 June, 2011

In a letter to Ukraine’s President, Viktor Yanukovych, ICEM General Secretary Manfred Warda called for the recent escalation of government intimidation and interference into trade union activities to end.

The national centre, Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU) has born the brunt of a brutal attack by the Office of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine, headed by Viktor Pshonka who is said to have “declared war” on the unions. New teams have been established inside various government ministries charged with combating the FPU, and establishing yellow unions to oppose the FPU.

FPU Picket Office of the General Prosecutor

The illegal attack on the FPU has included brazen attempts at manipulating internal union activity. On 23 May the FPU received instructions from the General Prosecutor’s office, banning items on the agenda of the union’s Presidium meeting the following day. Demands for detailed information of internal union workings are continuing, with FPU leadership being summoned for interrogation to the General Prosecutor’s office, including FPU President Vasyl Khara on 3 June.

Also ongoing is a disinformation campaign run through the country’s mass media, attempting to discredit the FPU. The lie being disseminated is that the FPU leadership unlawfully sold union assets. Whereas it is a clear fact that no FPU facilities have been sold since November 2008.

The intense interference is in breach of national law, international law, and the constitution of Ukraine.

On 8 June, the FPU conducted a large picket in front of the office of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine, demanding an end to the oppression of trade union rights.

See the full text of Warda’s letter to President Yanukovych here.