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ICEM Overview of Links to Useful HIV/AIDS Related Websites

8 September, 2005

The links below are only a small selection of the wide range of websites of organisations which are engaged in the fight against the pandemic. For more details on these organisations and further information on resources and funding you can refer to the ICEM Guide on HIV/AIDS Resources and Funding which is available on this website.

International Labour Organisation - ILO


ILO Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work (ILO/AIDS)

HIV/AIDS is a workplace issue because it affects workers and their families, enterprises and communities which depend on them. At the same time, the workplace has a vital role to play in the wider struggle to control the epidemic. Workplace programmes support prevention, expand access to care and treatment and promote non-discrimination.

The key document is the ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work, which was adopted by the ILO Governing Body in June 2001. The Code exists in some 50 languages. The 10 key principles of the Code are essential elements of any HIV/AIDS workplace policy. For training purposes the publication Implementing the ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS: an education and training manual (also available as CD-Rom) was developed. The manual exists in English, French and Spanish.

ILOAIDS has published leaflets, toolkits and posters, which serve as useful education materials. ILO field offices, some with a focal point on HIV/AIDS, in your country or region can help with material and identifying resources and extend technical assistance for training.

The International Labour Conference, at its 99th meeting in June 2010, adopted Recommendation 200 concerning HIV and AIDS and the World. This new Recommendation is a strong international human rights instrument to deal with all aspects of HIV and AIDS with special reference to the workplace. The Recommendation is accompanied by a Resolution for its follow-up, promotion and implementation. The ILO Governing Body, at its 310th session in March 2011, adopted a Global Action Plan to promote implementation of Recommendation 200.



UNAIDS – Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS brings together the efforts and resources of ten UN system organisations (co-sponsors). UNAIDS, which was launched in 1996, is the main advocate for global action on the epidemic.

UNAIDS publishes an extensive range of materials on HIV/AIDS. The AIDS Epidemic Updates (jointly with the WHO) are published annually in December. In September 2006, UNAIDS published in its Best Practice Collection “Global Reach: how trade unions are responding to AIDS” with case studies of union action. In his foreword to the publication, Peter Piot, the then Executive Director of UNAIDS, recognises the vast potential of unions to fight the pandemic at the workplace and in communities.

You can access information on individual countries and find out about the UN Theme Group and UNAIDS Coordinator in your country on the website.

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria


The objective of the Global Fund is to dramatically increase resources to fight three of the most devastating diseases and to direct resources to areas of greatest need. The Fund is a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and affected communities.

The Global Fund is a funding organisation that defers to local ownership and capacity for the design and implementation of programmes. Proposals are submitted through a national Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM). The Fund only has an office in Geneva; it does not operate field offices. Principal recipients in a country implement the projects.

Calls for proposals are made at regular intervalls. Since the Global Fund was registered in January 2002, and up to December 2009, it has committed USD 19.3 billion in 144 countries. On the website of the Global Fund you can access details of the grants made to your country.

In a letter of agreement signed with the ILO in April 2003, the great potential of workplace initiatives with the involvement of workers’ and employers’ organisations is stressed.

World Health Organisation – WHO


The WHO serves as the agency within the UN system for HIV/AIDS treatment, care and support. It has a wide range of publications, including useful guidelines on testing and counselling and on antiretroviral treatment.

The conclusions of a meeting between Global Unions and the WHO in October 2005 specifically state that unions have unique comparative advantage to mobilise their constituencies in the fight against HIV/AIDS and calls on country representatives to support unions.

The WHO operates a large number of country offices, most of them with HIV/AIDS specialists.

Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the World Economic Forum

www.businessfightsaids.org and www.weforum.org

The Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria leads the fight against the three diseases by companies. It serves as the focal point for the private sector at the Global Fund. The World Economic Forum launched its Global Health Initiative in 2001. You can find case studies on the HIV/AIDS policies and activities of your company on these websites.

ACCA (AIDS Control in Companies in Africa)

www.gtz.de and www.acca-toolbox.org

The website of the German GTZ gives information on workplace interventions. The ACCA (AIDS Control in Companies in Africa) Toolbox is a collection of information and implementation tools for workplace interventions against HIV/AIDS. GTZ also operates the BACKUP Initiative which provides needs-oriented support to improve coordination, access and implementation of programmes financed through global funding mechanisms such as the Global Fund and the World Bank’s Multi-country Aids Program (MAP).

World AIDS Campaign


The Global Unions work closely with the World AIDS Campaign and signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2005. Among others, WAC has mounted a worldwide campaign to fulfil the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS adopted by the UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS in June 2001. It is also the leading international NGO to organise campaigns on World AIDS Day, 1 December every year.

Global Unions


The Global Unions have a joint programme to fight HIV/AIDS. The programme’s objectives are to mainstream HIV/AIDS as a priority for trade unions, to help unions to take action in their organisations and at the workplace, to develop partnerships with relevant organisations at all levels and to mobilise resources.

The Education International (EI)www.ei-ie.org/efaids and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)www.itfglobal.org have developed extensive HIV/AIDS programmes and materials for their respective sectors.