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ICEM Mini Guide to Dealing with CAL Available in Multiple Languages

5 January, 2012

The ICEM CAL Mini Guide to Dealing with CAL is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi and Bahasa Indonesian.

The guide gives an overview of what the ICEM and its affiliates around the world are doing to promote permanent, direct employment and at the same time to promote better conditions for CAL workers. It also suggests ways in which unions can build relations with CAL workers, for example by creating a dedicated precarious workers’ section or rep, or considering the introduction of different membership fee levels and/or an alternate method of dues collection. ICEM affiliates are encouraged to initiate a discussion on CAL within their own unions, and the Guide suggests a number of questions which may help to get these discussions started.

The CAL Mini Guide in English is available here.

The CAL Mini Guide in French is available here.

The CAL Mini Guide in Spanish is available here.

The CAL Mini Guide in Portuguese is available here.

The CAL Mini Guide in Hindi is available here.

The CAL Mini Guide in Bahasa Indonesian is available here.