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ICEM, Metalworkers Urge Action in Rio Tinto Canadian Lockout

23 January, 2012

On 1 January, Rio Tinto’s aluminium subsidiary Alcan threw 780 Canadian members of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 9490 out of work at the Alma smelter and refinery in Saguenay-lac-Saint-Jean region, Québec.

The callous lockout, as reported here in this ICEM dispatch, came exactly at contract expiration of a prior five-year labour pact and simultaneously, Rio Tinto did little to hide the fact that because global aluminium prices had slumped, a full 11% of Alcan’s workforce would face layoffs.

Last week, the ICEM and the International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF) lodged a strong complaint with Rio Tinto CEO Tom Albanese over the assault by lockout on Syndicat des Métallos d’Alma members at this most modern of Alcan’s smelting/refining facilities. That letter can be found here.

photo: lapresse.ca

Trade union affiliates across the world are now being asked to also send letters to Albanese. We ask you to take the attachment herein, modify appropriately, place on your letterheads, and fax to Rio’s corporate offices in London and Melbourne.

Those fax numbers are +44 20 7781 1800 (London) and +62 3 9283 3707 (Melbourne). Be sure to e-mail this letter as well to the ICEM, IMF, and the USW. As the USW’s global campaign against Rio Tinto for fairness and justice mounts, more and more activity will ensue.

Already, several Canadian trade unions and a few international ones have reached out to the USW and to Local 9490 to offer aid, assistance and support. One notable example came last week when another union representing metalworkers in the region, Le Syndicat National des Employés de l’aluminium d’Arvida (SNEAA), an affiliate of the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW), presented USW Local 9490 with an interest-free loan of C$1 million.

SNEAA President Alain Gagnon and Local 9490 President Mark Maltais

In making the presentation, SNEAA President Alain Gagnon expressed deep concern over Rio Tinto/Alcan’s intransigence in bargaining with fellow Alma metalworkers.

This intransigence is reflected in the single biggest issue in the dispute – the company’s desire to have unlimited contracting out rights. Alcan has substituted the retirement of each full-time, USW-represented worker with a subcontracting employee. Company documentation reveals that the expected ratio of hours worked by subcontractors will go from 10% in 2010 to 27% this year.

When Syndicat des Métallos d’Alma attempted to put a floor on outsourced work, or to put guidelines on addressing subcontract work, Alcan refused to address such issues. And at midnight, 31 December, Rio Tinto/Alcan showed its contempt toward any such dialogue with a lockout.

Make sure your union takes action and registers its protest with Rio Tinto.