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ICEM Letter to South Korean Government On Arest of Lee Suk-haeng

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15 December, 2008

Lee Myung Bak
Republic Of Korea
December 11, 2008

The ICEM, representing 20 Million Workers in Chemical, Energy and Mining Industry over 130 countries strongly protests at the arrest of Mr. Lee Suk-haeng, President of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU).

The ICEM has been informed that Bro. Lee Suk-haeng was arrested on 5 December, at 10:40 pm, in connection with his role in organising an “illegal” general strike on 2 July 2008 and in organising a solidarity action in support of the E-land Retail Precarious workers’ strike in 2007.

We understand that Brother Lee Suk-haeng would be mainly charged with “obstruction of business” (provision in section 314 of the Penal Code) due to his role in these actions.

The ICEM is appalled that trade union leaders are being arrested and detained merely for exercising fundamental workers' rights, like to the right to strike. The right to strike encompasses both the right for workers to pursue demonstrations concerning social and economic policies affecting its members, as well as solidarity actions. We are very concerned about the severe form and nature of the repression, especially the deprivation of liberty of those involved and the intrusion into the privacy of family members. The targeting of top union leaders is blatant anti-union repression and the ICEM is disappointed that the government has chosen to keep union leaders imprisoned for longer periods in this case.

The ICEM is urging your government to order the immediate release of Mr. Lee Suk-haeng and all other imprisoned trade unionists and that all charges against them be dropped. It also urges you to ensure that the arrest warrants against all other labour leaders be withdrawn immediately.

In the meantime, I trust that you will pay prompt attention to this very serious matter.
Yours sincerely,

Manfred Warda
General Secretary