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ICEM Joins Wide Protest of Korean Trade Union President’s Arrest

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15 December, 2008

A call for action was made by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) on 8 December, following the arrest of KCTU President Lee Suk-haeng three days earlier.

The alleged reason for the arrest was Lee Suk-haeng’s role in organizing a general strike on 2 July, deemed as “illegal.” The Korean labour leader’s solidarity action, supporting the E-land contract labour strike in 2007, had drawn the wrath of South Korean authorities then, and resulted in his arrest early this month.

The general strike was called to gain the right to re-negotiate on health and safety, specifically the 2007 Protocol on US beef imports, on food-safety grounds. The KCTU had organized various solidarity actions in support of the strike by the E-land workers, protesting against sudden termination of contracts and illegal subcontracting, which clearly violated the Korean Irregular Workers law of July 2007.

The charge against KTCU President Lee Suk-haeng is “obstruction of business,” under section 314 of the Penal Code. However, freedom of association and the right to strike under collective bargaining are clearly protected by ILO Core Conventions 87 and 98.

The 8 December KCTU call for pressure on the Korean government, to stop trade union repression, respect health and safety consultation, and to show proof that ILO conventions are being practiced, is important. It is also important in gaining the immediate release of Bro. Lee Suk-haeng.

The call has been answered by the ICEM; the ICEM letter can be found here; the ICEM encourages trade unions to copy or excerpt the letter, and to lodge their own protests with the South Korean government.