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ICEM Issues Strong Protest to Palestinian Government

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1 February, 2007

The 20-million-member ICEM filed a strong protest yesterday with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas over this week’s assassination attempt on a prominent trade unionist.

Rasem Al Bayari, deputy general secretary of the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU), managed to escape in the early morning hours of Monday, 29 January, when assailants fired rockets into his home. A day after this violent act, more attackers returned to his home and fired shots at the house.

“The Palestinian Authority, as a responsible Authority, must uphold internationally recognised rights,” wrote ICEM General Secretary Manfred Warda to Abbas, “including full respect for the fundamental human rights of workers, such as their right to life.”

The ICEM has demanded that the Palestinian Government ensure the safety of Al Bayari and his family, and urges “a thorough investigation into the rocket attacks and the shootings” so that the perpetrators are brought to justice.

 PGFTU Gen. Sec. Shaher Sae'd pionts to a bullet hole in the wall of the PCFTU conference room

On 12 October 2006, the PGFTU’s headquarters in Nablus was attacked. This assault was followed by death threats to the union’s leaders. The Palestinian national labour centre then called it an escalation against trade unionism, because PGFTU leaders had been strongly speaking out on behalf of workers.

The ICEM stands solidly behind PGFTU, and echoes the commitment of the Palestinian labour centre, at it reacted to this week’s cowardly and violent act on the Al Bayari’s home: “This act will not silence the workers and will not stop our activities to build the structures of the Palestinian State for the benefit of our people and workers.”

Read the ICEM Letter to Palestinian Government here.