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ICEM Introduces RSS News Feeds from its Website

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11 February, 2008

Joining many others in the internet community, the ICEM is now also offering RSS news feeds on its website. Through this system of automatic (news headlines) links, ICEM news can be brought to you automatically via your RSS reader, or even via your website.

RSS is a tool used in different ways for information distribution on the internet. It’s most widespread usage is distributing news headlines.

RSS (news) reader programmes allow you to easily check updates from your favourite (news) sites, or blogs. Headlines are brought to one centralised place (the RSS reader), and the user doesn’t have to go to different websites directly. All that is necessary is to “subscribe” to the feed. A major advantage is getting the information you want, without spam, since the user doesn’t need to provide his/her e-mail.

For those unfamiliar with RSS feeds, an easy way to find out more about the basics of RSS is this short three-minute video on YouTube. Another, shorter introduction can be found through Google Reader, one of the most used “RSS feed readers”. A short explanation on RSS feeds can also be found here in French on the web-site of Belgian Akimedia. The various language sites of Wikipedia can also be a source to find out more about RSS feeds in your own language.

RSS feeds can also be inserted into e-mail applications such as Microsoft Outlook 2007 (for more, click here - this page also includes general information on RSS feeds).

There is one ICEM RSS feed per language used on the ICEM site, allowing you to only get the updates in the language that you are interested in. The ICEM web pages to go to in order to subscribe to the ICEM RSS news feed are as follows:
English: /feed_en.rss
French: /feed_fr.rss
German: /feed_de.rss
Japanese: /feed_ja.rss
Russian: /feed_ru.rss
Spanish: /feed_es.rss
Swedish: /feed_sv.rss
Turkish: /feed_tr.rss

You can also click on  in the address line of your internet browser next to the ICEM address. (This may not be visible in certain older browsers).

Through RSS feeds, there also is a possibility for your website to automatically publish ICEM news on one or more of your own web pages. You can easily have a part of your organisation’s homepage, or of your international pages, to automatically carry ICEM news headlines. Once the system is set up, these pages will, through automatically renewed links, show the latest news headlines from the ICEM's homepage, in your prefered language, making the full ICEM articles available through a click of a button.