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ICEM Colombian Trade Unions Groom Young Trade Unionists for the Future

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7 September, 2008

A campaign spearheaded by ICEM Colombian Coordinator Carlos Bustos is taking root in the South American country. It is an important project aimed at the formation of young trade unionists. Entitled “Semillero de Lideres,” or “Seed the Plot You Lead,” the programme began its second stage in late August.

In Bogotá, from 25-29 August, some 43 participants, designated by their unions, took part in workshops aimed at leadership roles in the political economy, in political action, and knowledge and implementation of global labour standards.

 ICEM Colombia Coordinator Carlos Bustos

They were schooled in collective negotiations, human rights, ethical leadership, and communications and union history. The first set of workshops occurred last year in Villavicencio.

“This is a social and political movement,” Bustos said. “We hope to develop a new generation of union leaders, people who are committed to the call of this work and committed to social and political change in Colombia.” Bustos added that the struggle for workers’ rights, in a country beset with death threats and actual assassinations of trade unionists, depends on such training in order to create a just and peaceful society.