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15 August, 2011

The Coordinating Committee of ICEM affiliates in Colombia conducted a second educational seminar for trade union officers, 8-12 August, in Girardot Cundinamarca, 100 kilometres south-west of Bogotá. The educational program aims to develop an improved, stronger leadership of trade unions in the country.
A total of 38 participants to the seminar came from ICEM six affiliates in Colombia, and trade union friends of the ICEM in the South American country. As in previous meetings, representatives of the International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF) in Colombia participated, one activist from Sintraindumecol and two from Sintrametal.
The intensive workshop totalled 110 hours, with each participant receiving a diploma as an activist of ICEM Colombia. The participants will continue this training and development in 2012.
The organisers’ goal is to hold a major conference after 15 years of the programme, bringing together the large number of trade union activists who have been trained and educated by the program. This will represent a significant group of activists who can then influence management and government strategy.