14 December, 2009
The joint publication of the Global Union Federations (GUFs) on climate change and other issues addressed at COP15, Copenhagen, is now available via the Council of Global Unions website here. Print copies are being distributed to the trade union delegation to the climate conference
The joint publication, entitled “Getting the World to Work: Green Growth for Jobs and Social Justice,” includes sectoral perspectives from each GUF, with a joint article published from ICEM General Secretary Manfred Warda and International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF) General Secretary Jyrki Raina. The publication also includes explanation of union consensus positions on climate debate issues from the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).
The publication follows the success of a similar Council of Global Unions’ publication called “Getting the World to WORK: Global Union Strategies for Recovery,” in which global trade union federations, together with the ITUC and TUAC of the OECD, came together to present strategies in response to the global economic crisis.