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Global Solidarity Day with Turkish Workers, 26 Feb: ICEM Stands with Striking Workers on the Ground

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25 February, 2010

Trade union rights in Turkey were repeatedly violated in 2009. The current strike of TEKEL workers has now been running for over 70 days, following a snap decision by the government to close their workplaces. The striking workers and their families have left their homes, travelled to Ankara and have been pitched in tents in protest against the decision. Temperatures reach -15 degrees at night there.

TEKEL, the former state-owned tobacco company was recently privatised. Privatisation and the decision of the government to close all of the company’s warehouses caused the loss of 12,000 jobs.

Protestors have been violently dealt with by police. After beginning their action outside the headquarters of the ruling political party, the AKP, protestors were removed by force by police on 16 December. The following day, with the demonstration continuing in a nearby park, police erected barricades around the park and proceeded to attack demonstrators with water hoses, tear gas, and then with clubs. Tents have since housed the demonstrators outside the headquarters of Türk-Is, the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions. The union of the tobacco workers Tek Gıda-Is is affiliated to Türk-Is and ICEM’s sister International, the IUF.

Turkish Law gives protection to workers affected by privatisation in this way, alternative employment, with full employee benefits ought to be provided. However the Turkish government continues to refuse to accede to its responsibilities in this regard.

The ICEM was in Ankara yesterday to show its continuous support for the striking TEKEL tobacco workers who have been living in tents around the headquarters of Türk-Is. ICEM’s Director for Industry and Corporate Affairs Joe Drexler and Chemical Industry Officer Kemal Özkan, a Turkish-origin trade unionist, conveyed the solidarity and greetings of 20 million ICEM members from around the world to the striking workers who assembled in front of the building of Türk-Is.

"All workers of the world are behind you; we have been and will continue to be shoulder-to-shoulder with you in your rightful and honourable struggle. I am sure that you courageous workers, with such determination, will be the winners. Please continue your fight”, stated Drexler. “The strong voice of solidarity for TEKEL workers is heard throughout the world. Yours is so strong that the whole world hears it clearly. Your struggle is our struggle. We will always be with you until we win together”, said Özkan in his speech. The ICEM delegation then toured all the tents, where the workers live and struggle, and were very well received by the workers.

Earlier this week, the ICEM sent letters to the Turkish President, Prime Minister, Labour Minister and Ambassador in Bern. General Secretary Manfred Warda stated ICEM’s support for TEKEL workers and urged to find a solution as soon as possible.

ICEM’s actions in support of the Turkish tobacco workers will be ongoing. The first will be to join the ITUC Geneva Office-led delegation with the Turkish mission in Geneva, in line with the global solidarity day on 26 February. The delegation will directly raise the uneasiness of the global union movement over the situation of TEKEL workers, and demand an urgent solution. The delegation of the ICEM will be composed of Kemal Özkan, Carol Bruce and Tom Grinter, while other global union federations headquartered in Geneva will also send representatives to the meeting.

The ICEM urges its affiliates and supporters to write in support of the TEKEL workers to President Abdullah Gül, [email protected], Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, [email protected], and Labor and Social Security Minister Omer DINÇER [email protected]. Find a model letter here.