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29 January, 2007
Global Labour University, supported by the ILO and by Germany’s Hans Boeckler Foundation and Friedrich Ebert Foundation, is offering a pair of Master Programme labour courses in 2007. The courses take place at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, and at Germany’s University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics.
“Labour Policies and Globalisation” (Germany) and “Labour and Development, Economic Policy, Globalisation and Labour” (South Africa) are the titles of courses. Registration submissions can be found at
Deadline for application to the course in Germany is 1 April 2007. Deadline for the South African portion of this programme is 1 October 2007.
The language of the courses is English, and the curriculum consists of issues relating to sustainable development, social justice, and international labour standards; and trade unions, economic policies, and global institutions. Successful applicants also have the possibility to study one term of the programme in South Africa and one term in Germany.
The curriculum is jointly developed by universities and trade unions from around the world and is aimed at those students who have experience with labour and social movements, and who are willing to assist organisations in these fields to engage more effectively in social dialogue, public debate, and policy implementation.
Women are strongly encouraged to participate. Applicants should, as a rule, not be older than 40 years of age.
A limited number of scholarships are available. An endorsement by a trade union is a requirement for a scholarship. The scholarship is conditional on a contribution of €1,500 from the supporting trade union, or another donor. Please consult the website above for further information. More information can be also found here, in English, French, Spanish.