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GIBUCI, 20-year Old Social Dialogue in German Chemical Industry, Celebrated and Evaluated

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27 August, 2007

Occupational health and safety, as well as environmental protection, are fundamental areas of work for the chemical industry. It is with this in mind that the ICEM’s German affiliate IGBCE, already in August 1987, reached an agreement with German Chemical Employers’ Federation BAVC on protection of the environment.

Through the agreement, GIBUCI (Joint Initiative for Keeping Works Council Members Informed about Environmental Protection in the Chemical Industry - www.gibuci.de) was born, the first common mechanism of social dialogue in the industry. It was the partner’s conviction that co-operation between workers and trade unions would lead to a better safeguarding of the environment.

So far, about 4,000 works council members have been trained through GIBUCI on environmental issues, including Responsible Care, laws on environmental issues, industrial safety, water protection, and environmental management.

GIBUCI - Commitment for Environment

GIBUCI was celebrated and evaluated, on the occasion of its 20th anniversary in Berlin, on 23 August 2007, in the presence of about 150 participants, representing the social partners. Participants included representatives from IGBCE and BAVC, but also from companies. A number of politicians were also present. The ICEM was represented by its Chemicals and Rubber Industry Officer Kemal Özkan.

Hubertus Schmoldt, IGBCE President and Vice President of ICEM, in his speech, called the agreement “a milestone” for German industry and social history, and said “GIBUCI has showed that, through partnerships and a trusted co-operation effort, important things can be realised.” He added that “co-operation between works councils and managements on environmental protection is a cornerstone for the social dialogue in the chemical industry.”