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French FILPAC Protests Pension Reform 3 June

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12 August, 2005ICEM News release No. 12/2003

T he Fifth Congress of ICEM-affiliated Federation des Travailleurs des Industries du Livre, du Papier et de la Communication (FILPAC/CGT) took place from 29 May to 2 June, and delegates passed a motion to strike today (3 June) over proposed changes in the French pension system. A total of 266 delegates attended the Congress in Nantes, France, and it included representatives from the 20-million-member ICEM and the 15-million-member Union Network International (UNI) to which FILPAC is also affiliated.

Michel Muller was re-elected General Secretary of FILPAC at the Congress.

Delegates discussed the past five years and strategies for the future. Besides the European social dialogue, forms of solidarity, reduction in working hours, international solidarity and the general strengthening of trade unions, one of the most crucial items discussed was pending pension reform in France.

As in Austria and other European countries, essential discussion is underway regarding future levels of pension and how to protect current levels. To underscore the position of FILPAC, the Fifth Congress voted to strike and demonstrate against the government's regressive pension proposals on 3 June.

Guests to FILPAC's Congress came from Germany, Belgium, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Finland, UK, Luxembourg, Norway, Mauritius, The Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Tunisia and Vietnam. Besides representatives from ICEM and UNI, guests to the Congress also came from the Brussels-based European Mine, Chemical & Energy Workers' Federatition (EMCEF).