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French And Belgian Unions Act On Total/Petrofina Merger

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12 August, 2005ICEM News release No. 97/1998

As oil prices drop, merger mania has hit the global oil industry.

One of the latest developments is the merger announced between French-based TOTAL and Belgian-based PETROFINA, aimed at forming the world's sixth-biggest oil and petrochemicals company.

The social implications of this move were analysed today by some 60 representatives of French and Belgian unions in the two companies. Meeting at the Brussels headquarters of the 20-million-strong International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) were oil industry reps from the French labour federations CFDT, FO and CGT and the Belgian federations FGTB/ABVV and CSC/ACV. The session was chaired by Paul Lootens, National Secretary of ICEM Belgian affiliate the Centrale générale/Algemene Centrale.

The unions set themselves three objectives:

Rejection of any dismissals and any downgrading of working and employment conditions for the employees of the new company.

Continuance of an investment policy that facilitates the development of industrial plant in the group's various sectors of activity.

Development of an industrial relations structure that facilitates consultation with and information of the group's employees.

The Belgian and French unions said further international solidarity measures would be announced shortly.