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28 January, 2008
The 4th Congress of ICEM French affiliate Chemical and Energy Workers Union, FCE-CFDT, was held in Clermont-Ferrand last week, with participation by over 600 delegates. The theme was, “Local to International: Anticipate and Act Everywhere.”
The venue of the Congress had another feature, as well. İt is “the capital” of tyre industry giant Michelin, the world’s second biggest poducer.
The Congress stressed the international dimension to trade unionism, through transnational sectoral/intersectoral dialogue. According to the FCE, “The congress is complementary to those of our international and European organizations. We have just experienced ICEM’s Congress in Bangkok, which has entered into strengthened cooperation with the Global Union Federations.”
The FCE noted in its report to Congress, “Globalization facilitates development in new technologies, trade, commerce … but, in parallel to this, there is always a fact that developing countries are still being exploited … and trade unionists being imprisoned or killed.”
FCE praised ICEM’s activity on Contract and Agency Labour, and highlighted efforts by itself to start discussions and actions with other unions inside the CFDT on the issue of subcontracting. The FCE also intends to take an active role on sustainable development.
ICEM General Secretary Manfred Warda addressed the Congress in an introductory speech. “Support, assistance, and solidarity by the FCE-CFDT to the ICEM and its affiliates throughout the world is well known,” Warda said. “Your organisation takes its international responsibilities seriously, and I would like to thank you for that.”
French Michelin Trade Union Leaders
Warda also credited the French chemicals and energy union for its efforts on union networking, global framework agreements, and globally around French-based companies such as Rhodia, Saint-Gobain, Lafarge, and Electricité de France (EDF).
The ICEM also used the Congress to discuss in depth with delegates from Michelin on the creation of a Global Union Network for trade unions at the tyre-maker. In concert with prior discussions with FCE and other unions organising Michelin workers, the need to establish solidarity between Michelin workers the world over through the ICEM would match networks for the other big rubber networks, namely Bridgestone and Goodyear.
Patrick Pierron was re-elected as general secretary for a new four-year term, and with a 70% vote, delegates approved a general framework resolution which included the Congress report.