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European Union Federations Warn Commission on Errant Energy Agenda

14 February, 2011

EMCEF, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF), and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) –representing trade unions in electricity and gas across the European Union inclusively – warned that decisions to be made now by the European Commission will have serious impact later regarding energy use and energy supply.

With a heavy Commission agenda on energy this spring, the four trade unions issued the alert on 3 February, a day prior to a special energy summit over development of a strategy document for the future.

The unions said any strategy must include emission cuts and dedicated resources for a “smart grid” system that saves energy and thrives on innovation, training, and quality jobs.


“Our members, whether workers or consumers, understand the importance for the economy of safe, reliable, sustainable and accessible energy for businesses and communities alike,” read the statement. “Our jobs and our communities depend on clear policies that guarantee that energy is viewed as a service of general interest.”

Sustainable development, the unions said, is “the development of quality employment and the development of training to ensure genuine transitions.” European trade unions also call for strict regulations, a financial framework for technical development, and market integrity and transparency to ensure no abuse inside energy markets.

EMCEF, ETUC, EMF, and EPSU call for a sustainable energy mix in which supply is guaranteed and affordability is ensured. With Hungary currently presiding at the European Council, debate on a roadmap forward will occur at an Energy Council meeting on 28 February, a ministers’ meeting on 2-3 May, and again at a second Energy Council meeting, 10 June.