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Energy Conference Resolution on Gulf of Mexico Oil Well Blowout (BP - Deepwater Horizon)

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26 October, 2010

"Global Governance Includes Better Governance of Oil Companies"

On April 20, 2010 there was an explosion on the drilling rig "Deepwater Horizon".

Eleven oil workers were killed. Two days later the rig sank in an ocean of fire. Oil is flowing completely uncontrolled and is still doing so after almost two months.

We do not know what caused the blow out. The ICEM World Energy Conference will however declare that:

1) an independent and open inquiry must be held, and trade unions should be granted full insight in the process;

2) at all times the responsibility rest solely on the operator;

3) blow out prevention (BOP) systems should have remote control capabilities, for instance acoustic signal actuators, in addition to traditional BOP controls;

4) when working in new areas, deep water, and other special conditions, it must be demanded that more than one rig be present in the area to ensure safer evacuation in case of an emergency and to be able to start drilling a relief well in case of a blowout. Two months after the blowout in the Gulf of Mexico, it is a catastrophic disaster that the drilling of a relief well had not been started;

5) sufficient and effective oil booms and/or other means to collect oil spillage must be available or in place in all areas where offshore drilling takes place;

6) the demands of deregulation must be reversed. More regulations are needed and the "best available technology" must be demanded, at least in all new and challenging areas.