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Energy Conference Message of Solidarity with Chilean Coal Miners Trapped Underground

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26 October, 2010

Dear Mr. Javier Castillo, Secretary of the Union No. 2 of Compania Minera San Esteban

The ICEM World Energy Conference, meeting in Stavanger, Norway on 6-7 September 2010, unanimously resolved to express our best and most sincere wishes of hope and strength, in solidarity with the 33 miners who remain trapped underground in the San Jose mine.

It is encouraging to learn that rescue efforts are progressing, albeit slowly. Many of us are ourselves miners, and we can only imagine the circumstances that must prevail for our Chilean brothers, especially knowing that much time will still pass before they return to the light of day.

Please let them know, on behalf of the ICEM Energy Sector, and indeed all of the ICEM's 20 million members and affiliates in the world, that we wish them courage. We hope they will soon be reunited safely with their families.

With all of our hopes for a speedy and successful rescue,

In solidarity,

Manfred Warda