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18 November, 2007
After months of negotiations with employers, ICEM affiliate Chemical Industries Employees’ Union (CIEU) of Singapore has signed a fair employment practices contract with 20 chemical companies operating in the nation-city. The pact covers 1,700 workers, and came under the auspices of Singapore’s Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices, formed in 2006.
The agreement guarantees equal opportunities for workers regarding recruitment, job allocation, and career advancement. Perhaps the single most achievement of the pact is that it guarantees employment enhancement for older workers, age 50 and above, an age range in which 20% of the 1,700 workers fall.
“CIEU is confident that the 20 companies will translate their commitments to fair employment practices into action when it comes to fair hiring and in-employment practices,” stated Sister Cham Hui Fong, CIEU’s Executive Secretary. “We believe this is both a pro-worker and pro-business initiative.”
The union highlights the fact that a worker who is treated fairly is better motivated to contribute to the success of the company.
Representatives of the companies and CIEU held a ceremony over the agreement at Singapore’s National Trade Union Congress on 24 October. Some of the 20 chemical companies signatory to the pact include: Aventis Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Eastman Chemicals of Singapore, FujiFilm/Hunt Chemicals, Glaxo Wellcome, and Total Pharmaceuticals.