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13 July, 2005
An announcement by the Canadian government to sell off its remaining 19% stake in Petro-Canada was denounced by the country’s leading energy union, Communications, Energy, Paperworkers of Canada. The Calgary-based company was established in 1975 to promote domestic supply of oil and gas and as a counter to the US-based oil giants. Petrocan is involved in Arctic gas, oil sands in western provinces, exploration and production of eastern seacoast reserves. It also operates a chain of petrol stations across Canada. “Canadians want and need a role in our oil and gas industry, and now is not the time to sell off Canada’s station,” said CEP President Brian Payne. “There are more than six million Canadians who drive up to Petro Canada regularly, believing that this company in part belongs to them. I can’t think of a better way to alienate Petro Canada’s loyal customers than by selling out.”