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Canadian PWU Involved in Nation’s Nuclear Sector

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8 March, 2010

ICEM North American affiliate Power Workers Union (PWU) was one of several hosts for the 50th Canadian Nuclear Association’s (CNA) annual meeting, held 24-26 February in Canada’s capital city, Ottawa. The PWU is a proud promoter of Canada’s nuclear power industry, and uses the forum to generate policy discussion with industry leaders, company officials, and human resource people.

PWU also hosted several international guests, including guests from the CGT of France and AWU of Australia. PWU President Don MacKinnon also hosted former PWU President Kealy Cummings, a pioneer in Canada’s nuclear sector and a former Canadian labour attaché to the UK, who was at many of the early CAN annual gatherings.

PWU President Don MacKinnon and CGT-Fédération Mines Energie’s Alain Vassaux. Seated, at left: former PWU President Kealy Cummings

The Canadian Nuclear Workers’ Council was also represented at the forum, as was the ICEM. Some 700 people participated in the conference. The nuclear sector is a C$6.6 billion industry in Canada, employing 21,000 people directly, and responsible for another 40,000 indirect jobs.

“This conference has become much more than a typical annual industry gathering,” said new CAN President and CEO Denise Carpenter. It has evolved into “a fully integrated and interactive trade show, career fair, and education symposium.”