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Bulgarians Protest Tomorrow over Low Wages, Labour Rights

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29 May, 2006

A major demonstration set for tomorrow, 30 May, in Sofia, Bulgaria, by trade union organisations there has the full support of the ICEM. The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB), together with another labour federation, will protest over government and employer disinterest in social dialogue talks with trade unions over a national income policy.

The protest will also center on workers’ rights over their legitimate right to strike in Bulgaria, as well as gaining that rights for civil servants.

In March 2006, the average monthly income of a Bulgarian family stood at €241, while average household expenditures rose to over €226 per month, according to the National Statistical Institute. “Bulgaria is the only one among the countries that are acceding to the European Union that does not have an income policy bargained at the national level,” said CITUB President Zhelyazko Hristov.

In a poll taken last month, over 60% of Bulgarian trade union members insisted on national protest actions for the end of May, while 40% said they would join a national strike over the income and other issues if one were called. For ICEM’s letter of support to affiliate National Labour Federation of Chemistry and Industry on the 30 May demonstration, click here.