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Brazil’s ABC Chemical Workers’ Union Launches Social Dialogue Project

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20 June, 2011

“The Chemical Industry in 2020 – a New Direction is Possible” is the motto of the project initiated by ICEM’s Brazilian affiliate, the ABC Chemical Workers’ Union, with business, trade unions, local governments, and civil society. The project was launched at a panel discussion held on 10 June in Santo André that addressed economic dimensions of chemical industry.

On 8 July and 12 August, respectively, further debates will ensue on social and environmental dimensions. The final international conference will then take place on 26-28 September.

For composition of panel discussions and conferences, the ABC Chemical Workers’ Union contacted with individuals from labour, business, and local and federal government agencies, as well as with the ILO, Dieese, Inmetro, and others. The idea is also finish off with a conference to include former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

"In the International Year of Chemistry, we want workers to enter into debates in chemicals over economic, social, and environmental responsibilities with a view to contribute to discussions for reaching the Rio +20 goals (year 2020 goals),” said ABC Chemical Workers’ Union President Paul Lage. “Our initiative aims to discuss with all social actors the promotion of sustainable development in the Brazilian chemical industry on social dialogue and decent work."

The project received support from industry. "It's an opportunity to take stock of all actions that meet the goals for 2020,” said Luis Paulo Bresciani of the Inter-municipal Consortium of the Greater ABC Region. He added that the initiative is attune to the present with a view toward the future through an objective discussion on sustainability.

“The future of the chemical industry is the future of our region,” Bresciani said, referring to the ABC region of seven municipalities around São Paulo. The industry will benefit not only from the debates but also in terms of public policies that will come from them, he said.

“ICEM is proud of this important initiative led by our affiliate ABC Chemical Workers’ Union,” said ICEM Director of Industry and Corporate Affairs Kemal Özkan. “This is a clear example on how our affiliates in chemicals mobilize for industrial policy and sustainable development.”