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29 January, 2007
Two union networks of Brazilian chemical workers met recently. Union leaders of Brazilian federations of Akzo Nobel are meeting today and tomorrow, 29-30 January, in São Paulo. And workplace leaders from three of DuPont’s major manufacturing sites in Brazil met in the same city on 24 January for a planning meeting.
The Akzo Nobel meeting represented the fourth time trade unionists convened. On tomorrow’s agenda, managers have been invited for discussions. The talks will centre on the Dutch-based company’s corporate social responsibility plan. Trade unionists from Akzo Nobel’s multiple São Paulo worksites are attending, including the Itupeva and Reposa Taveres sites, and from the company’s Tintas Division.
The Brazilian DuPont network meeting saw 12 participants attend from three DuPont sites, including the chemicals plant at Guarulhos near São Paulo, the Barra Mansa worksite in Rio de Janeiro, and a chemicals facility in northern Bahai State. The network is planning further meetings for 18-19 April, at which time Brazilian management of DuPont will be invited.
Chemical union leaders from two Brazilian national centres were represented, Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT) and Força Sindical (FS).