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Brazilian Solvay Chemicals Network Organises Second Meeting

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14 July, 2008

The second meeting of the Brazilian National Network of Unions representing Belgian chemicals and pharmaceutical company Solvay was held from 9-11 June in São Paulo, Brazil. The network was created in September 2007 when Brazilian trade unions at nine worksites gathered to create coordination and solidarity.

Chaired by ICEM Latin America/Caribbean Regional Vice President Sérgio Novais, the network is coordinated by Juvenil Nunes da Costa from the ABC Regional Chemical Workers’ Union of Brazil. With support from the Brazilian national labour centre CUT, the National Confederation of Chemical Workers’ of Brazil (CNQ-CUT), as well as from the ICEM, the meeting also had the full solidarity from Belgian union Centrale Générale and the European Works Council (EWC) of Solvay.

The EWC sent a solidarity message and a detailed presentation, explaining composition and activities of Solvay’s structure.

Along with the global economic situation of the company, participants gave reports from the nine Brazilian plants. Enhancing integration and solidarity of Solvay’s workers, complying with the major ILO Conventions regarding trade union rights, combating all forms of discrimination, protecting workers’ health and safety, and maintaining the fight against outsourcing were defined as important principles for the network’s activities.

Delegates also decided to seek all opportunities for social dialogue with the company, to increase global solidarity with trade unions throughout the world, and to enter into deeper relations with the EWC.

The Solvay Brazilian Network published a first edition of a newsletter following last September’s meeting, and will do another one shortly to inform all Brazilian Solvay workers of its activities.

Another network meeting has been scheduled for December 2008, again in São Paulo.